Now You See Them, Now You Don’t
My life in the magic bars of Chicago

Chicago has a rich history of magic performed in front of your eyes in bars. Bill Weimer has been an integral part of it. From an insider’s point of view, he captures priceless stories, memories, and historical details that are a ‘must-read’ for any fan of close-up magic. - Schulien magician Jim Krenz*
The book is a telescope through time, permitting a peek at the best-ever job in my life, with some of the most-loved crazy people I’ve been fortunate to meet. If you weren’t there, it’s impossible to understand what a unique experience and amazing time it was. Fortunately, thanks to Bill, you can get darn close by reading Now You See Them, Now You Don’t! - Little Bit O' Magic magician Rich Kaczmarek*
Bill Weimer is the one person qualified enough to accurately write this historical record of Chicago's magical venues. He beautifully captures the chemistry of performer to audience, performer to management, and most insightfully, performer to performer, This book is what Paul Harvey would call 'the rest of the story'. I miss those sad it is that The Invisible Man has left the building. - comedian Jammin' Kay Cammon*
Interspersed with the detailed history of an entertainment era (you get the rises and demises of the various bars, the repertoires of the various magi along with their shifting alliances) are ten Chicago style magic tricks that will work today… If you are interested in Chicago bar magic, this is a grand history, full of all the names who populated it, and brought to life through dozens of great anecdotes. - Steve Bryant’s Little Egypt Magic, October 2014 issue
I don't have enough time to say how great I think that this book is. Part biography as Bill talks about the magic bars and restaurants of the by gone age of Chicago magic bars. Part magic routine book as Bill gives away many of the commercial magic routines that he did nightly at these Chicago magic night spots...I think that this is a book well worth reading. - Bit O' Magic and Houdini's Pub magician Glenn Bishop* (Magic Cafe post)
Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your book... - magician Steve Spill
About halfway through, I realized I had seen Bill perform about 15 or 20 years ago. I distinctly remember thinking, “This guy’s a worker.” It was clear that his humor, audience management, and skills had been acquired from doing thousands of shows for paying audiences. Now, because of his book, I know where he put in that “flight time.” - John Lovick, Genii Magazine Book Review, July 2014
This book is a "must have" for anyone looking to perform in bars or restaurants...P.S. The Volkswagen would have worked! I'm telling ya! - Mike Rzeminski, owner of Little Bit O' Magic/Bit O' Magic*
This history book tells a lot about "Chicago Style Magic" and the ins and outs of working anywhere in bars, restaurants, and clubs. It also contains many sections that teach novel magic tricks - all original handlings, many original effects - that were Bill's staples in close-up, on platform, and on TV. There is also much humor in this book, both close up and on stage, of situations with many entertainers (magicians and comics), back stage pranks, and true incidents with audiences that are laugh out loud funny. - magician Ken Morrison
You have done Chicago a favor by preserving this era of magic history. It is a fascinating read. - Joey Cranford, co-owner of the Chicago Magic Lounge.
I just finished reading your book and thoroughly enjoyed every page. Not only did your book bring back many memories, but also connected several pieces of our Chicago magic fraternity that I wasn't aware of. You are an excellent writer and I found myself looking forward to my nightly reading before bed just to get back into your book.
- Chuck Gekas, multi-term president of the Chicago Society of American Magicians and frequent Little Bit O’ Magic patron*
Your book has been more than an historic romp through Chicago bar magic. It inspired me. As I was reading how open the club managers were to allowing the entertainers to try anything for entertainment value, no matter how goofy it was, it opened my thinking... You gave me a creative kick. Thanks for this special gift. - magician Kevin Sarnwick
* Provided input for the book